Tenant Screening Paid by Tenant Portland Maine

Tenant Screening Paid by Tenant Portland MaineGet the right tenant for your unit, fast, with tenant screening paid by tenant Portland Maine. Tenant Screening Center can show you how. We offer tenant screening services to property owners nationwide from our California service center. One of our most popular products allows landlords to obtain a free rental credit report from interested tenants. This product was developed especially to suit the needs of small residential property owners. It enables you, the property owner, to get a credit report quickly, while allowing your prospective tenant to keep control of their sensitive personal information.

Our research showed us that tenants dislike paying high application fees and providing their personal information, all for an apartment they may not even be selected for. Rental scams, where a current tenant advertises as shows an apartment they do not even know to collect fraudulent application fees are common on popular advertising platforms such as Craigslist. Our tenant screening paid by tenant service lets your prospective tenant know that you are seriously considering them for your Portland Maine rental unit. Another benefit of this service is that they retain control of their sensitive personal information, alleviating fears of identity theft.

Tenant Screening Services You can Count On

With this tenant screening process, they enter give their personal information and a nominal payment directly to the screening company. The tenant then gives you, the owner of the rental property they are interested in, access to the screening report. This process is quick, allowing you to offer a lease to qualified and interested tenants as soon as possible, saving you additional showings and ensuring that they do not sign a lease with someone else first.

Not sure that tenant screening paid by tenant is the right option for your Portland Maine rental property? Tenant Screening Center offering background and credit check solutions for all types and sizes of rental properties, from owner occupied duplexes to commercial and industrial property. Give us a call or browse our website today to find which solution will work for you.

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