Tenant Screening Winston-Salem

When you rent out a property to a new family, you want to make sure you know who you are renting to by using services for tenant screening in Winston-Salem, providing by the Tenant Screening Center. As you receive applications for new tenants, you may have many other responsibilities you need to handle, which means you are focusing less on running your business. You don’t want to miss crucial working hours, but you also lose out on profit while your property remains vacant. Outsourcing your tenant screening in Winston-Salem to the Tenant Screening Center can help alleviate some of the stress, getting your property rented out sooner to the right applicant.

Renting out units on your property requires a certain level of trust in your new tenants, but it’s hard to trust someone you have only just met. By submitting their information for a rental background checks, you can make sure the applicant is as reliable on paper as he is in the office. A background check can reveal a hidden history of evictions and debts, or it can show that your new tenant is squeaky clean. Our background checks include a full credit history, an evictions search, and a certification of employment, no matter where the applicant says they are employed.

Using the Tenant Screening Center, we will do all the work for you, thus finding the right tenant for your vacant property in no time. We know the perfect tenant is out there, one who can pay the tenant screening report, with the reliability needed to pay their rent on time and be a helpful neighbor to other tenants on your property. Contact our office at 1-800-523-2381 six days a week, with available from 8:00am to 6:00pm on weekdays, and 10:00am to 3:00pm on Saturdays. We can review our services with you to help you decide the right package for your property.

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